
button button, who wants a button?

ok friends, thanks for all your help!! thanks for all your votes and for the kind words and for being so great! i am happy to announce that i finally have the buttons ready to present! it was such a close race, i couldn't choose just one. so, feel free to copy {make sure to select it all} the html info in the textbox, then "add a page element" on your blog, then paste in the html/javascript option. let me know if you have any troubles. and dear friends, no pressure with all this, if ya wanna button, here they are, if not, no biggie. thanks again for all your help and for voting!

thanks again, i am glad i finally figured all this out . . . phew
ps, if you want me to *create a custom button for you of your favorite photo i have taken of you, let me know, i would be happy to! just email me at info (at) wallinphotography (dot) com! thanks!!
*{for a small fee}


Amanda said...

YOU ARE AWESOME!!! GOOD JOB figuring all this out! I put one on my blog!

Melissa said...

I love the buttons! I voted for the top picture but I am kindof liking the 3rd one! Way to go! I love them!

Melissa said...

PS I just put the button on my blog! Soooo Cute!

Kate said...

VERY cute!

Holly said...

Just stuck it on my "me" blog! It looks very cute.

I think I might clear extra links off of my family blog, otherwise I'll put it there too.

Vic, Linds, and the girls... said...

I added one of your buttons to my new page... They are so cute!!! By the way i went private so email me and I will add you to my list of viewers. You are such an amazing photographer. I love all your work you do.:)
(notice the time....I can't sleep!)